
This catalogue, comprising all Lepidoptera species of Belgium, provides information on the systematics and the distribution per province arranged in three time-periods. The biology of the species is treated, information on species is arranged in a fixed pattern. A lot of pictures are provided, they are also arranged in a similar scheme. In this way, any information that the user is looking for can be retrieved fast and easily. The number between brackets after the name of the Family indicates the number of species within that Family in Belgium.
If you have any corrections, additions, information, and/or useful pictures or suggestions please contact Chris Steeman.

Overview of all families

Species representative picture
Micropterigidae (6)

Oermotten (NL)
Mandibulate archaic moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Eriocraniidae (8)

Purpermotten (NL)
Eriocraniid moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Hepialidae (5)

Wortelboorders (NL)
Swift moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Nepticulidae (96)

Dwergmineermotten (NL)
Pygmy leafmining moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Opostegidae (3)

Oogklepmotten (NL)
White eyecap moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Heliozelidae (7)

Zilvervlekmotten (NL)
Shield bearer moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Adelidae (22)

Langsprietmotten (NL)
Fairy longhorn moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Incurvariidae (6)

Witvlekmotten (NL)
Leafcutter moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Prodoxidae (7)

Yuccamotten (NL)
Yucca moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Tischeriidae (7)

Vlekmineermotten (NL)
Trumpet leafminer moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Meessiidae (13)

Ringlijnmotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Psychidae (26)

Zakdragers (NL)
Bagworm moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Dryadaulidae (1)

Dansmotten (NL)
Dancing moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Tineidae (39)

Echte motten (NL)
Clothes moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Roeslerstammiidae (1)

Bronsmotten (NL)
Bronze moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Bucculatricidae (15)

Ooglapmotten (NL)
Ribbed cocoon-maker moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Gracillariidae (108)

Mineermotten (NL)
Leaf blotch miner moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Yponomeutidae (22)

Spinselmotten (NL)
Ermine moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Ypsolophidae (18)

Spitskopmotten (NL)
Ypsolophid moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Plutellidae (4)

Koolmotten (NL)
Diamondback moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Glyphipterigidae (19)

Parelmotten (NL)
Sedge moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Argyresthiidae (27)

Pedaalmotten (NL)
Shiny headstand moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Lyonetiidae (8)

Sneeuwmotten (NL)
Snow-white moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Praydidae (4)

Gladkopjes (NL)

Species representative picture
Heliodinidae (1)

Roestmotten (NL)
Sun moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Bedelliidae (1)

Venstermineermotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Scythropiidae (1)

Doornspinnermotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Douglasiidae (4)

Lepelmotten (NL)
Douglas moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Autostichidae (7)

Dominomotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Oecophoridae (28)

Sikkelmotten (NL)
Concealer moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Depressariidae (50)

Platlijfjes (NL)
Flat-bodied moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Peleopodidae (1)

Vuurmotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Lypusidae (9)

Zaksikkelmotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Cosmopterigidae (12)

Prachtmotten (NL)
Cosmet moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Gelechiidae (183)

Palpmotten (NL)
Gelechiid moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Elachistidae (65)

Grasmineermotten (NL)
Grass-miner moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Coleophoridae (122)

Kokermotten (NL)
Case-bearers (EN)

Species representative picture
Batrachedridae (3)

Smalvleugelmotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Ethmiidae (5)

Zwartwitmotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Momphidae (16)

Wilgenroosjesmotten (NL)
Mompha moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Blastobasidae (6)

Spaandermotten (NL)
Scavenger moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Stathmopodidae (1)

Pootmotten (NL)

Species representative picture
Scythrididae (19)

Dikkopmotten (NL)
Flower moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Alucitidae (4)

Waaiermotten (NL)
Many-plumed moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Pterophoridae (46)

Vedermotten (NL)
Plume moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Schreckensteiniidae (1)

Gevorkte motten (NL)
Bristle-legged moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Epermeniidae (7)

Borstelmotten (NL)
Fringe-tufted moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Choreutidae (6)

Glittermotten (NL)
Metalmark moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Tortricidae (401)

Bladrollers (NL)
Tortricid moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Cossidae (3)

Houtboorders (NL)
Cossid millers (EN)

Species representative picture
Castniidae (0)

Castniid moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Sesiidae (25)

Wespvlinders (NL)
Clearwing moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Limacodidae (2)

Slakrupsen (NL)
Slug Caterpillar Moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Zygaenidae (15)

Bloeddrupjes (NL)
Forester and burnet moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Thyrididae (1)

Venstervlekjes (NL)
Picture-winged leaf moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Papilionidae (2)

Grote pages (NL)
Swallowtails (EN)

Species representative picture
Hesperiidae (15)

Dikkopjes (NL)
Skippers (EN)

Species representative picture
Pieridae (15)

Witjes (NL)
Whites (EN)

Species representative picture
Riodinidae (1)

Prachtvlinders (NL)
Metalmarks (EN)

Species representative picture
Lycaenidae (35)

Blauwtjes, kleine pages en vuurvlinders (NL)
Gossamer-winged butterflies (EN)

Species representative picture
Nymphalidae (56)

Aurelia's (NL)
Brush-footed butterflies (EN)

Species representative picture
Pyralidae (89)

Lichtmotten (NL)
Pyralids (EN)

Species representative picture
Crambidae (129)

Grasmotten (NL)
Crambids (EN)

Species representative picture
Drepanidae (16)

Eenstaartjes (NL)
Hook-tips (EN)

Species representative picture
Lasiocampidae (16)

Spinners (NL)
Eggar moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Brahmaeidae (1)

Herfstspinners (NL)
Brahmin moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Endromidae (1)

Berkenspinners (NL)
Glory Moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Saturniidae (3)

Nachtpauwogen (NL)
Emperor moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Sphingidae (18)

Pijlstaarten (NL)
Hawkmoths (EN)

Species representative picture
Geometridae (340)

Spanners (NL)
Geometer moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Notodontidae (33)

Tandvlinders (NL)
Prominent and kitten moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Erebidae (97)

Spinneruilen (NL)
Erebid moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Nolidae (13)

Visstaartjes (NL)
Tuft moths (EN)

Species representative picture
Noctuidae (358)

Uilen (NL)
Noctuids (EN)