Seq # 362950185

Pammene suspectana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) Species

Last modified: Jan. 12, 2025, 3:18 p.m.

A new species in Belgium in 2020 in LX.


Family: Tortricidae > Subfamily: Olethreutinae > Tribus: Grapholitini > Genus: Pammene > Species: Pammene suspectana
Vernacular names
Essendwergbladroller (NL), Ash-bark Piercer, Ash Bark Tortrix (EN)
First mention in Belgium
Wullaert S. 2021. Resultaten van de Werkgroep Bladmineerders uit 2019 en 2020 met meldingen van 9 nieuwe soorten voor de Belgische fauna (Elachistidae, Cosmopterigidae, Gelechiidae, Noctuidae, Tineidae en Tortricidae) — Phegea 49(3): 109–124. On page 120. view page


For your information, to the best of our knowledge, the first 5 Belgian observations are listed here:
1) 1 ♂ on 02.viii.2020 at Torgny (LX), leg. Werkgroep Bladmineerders, gen. det. S. Wullaert. (on MV light)
2) 1 ♂ on 10.v.2021 at Plombières (LG), leg. Werkgroep Bladmineerders, gen. det. S. Wullaert. (on pheromone G. molesta)
3) 1 ♂ on 24.v.2021 at Fescaux (NA), leg. Werkgroep Bladmineerders, gen. det. S. Wullaert. (on pheromone C. indivisa)
4) 1 ♂ on 12.v.2022 at Deerlijk (WV), leg. R. Recour. (on pheromone G. molesta)
5) 1 ♂ on 04.v.2023 at Deerlijk (WV), leg. R. Recour. (on pheromone G. molesta)



Wingspan 11–13 mm. The most common pheromones lures that attract males are the one originally intended for Cydia indivisa, Grapholita molesta and Grapholita funebrana. These are the most frequent ones.
The moth is similar to several other Pammene species so genital control is necessary to determine this species.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


Little is known about biology but the larva is believed to feeds within the bark on the host plant.
The adults come infrequently to light and to pheromone lures.

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Flight periods

The adults have been seen from early May towards early August.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Fraxinus excelsior

There is limited information on the early stages but they are thought to be associated with Fraxinus excelsior.

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It inhabits parkland and woodland.

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