Erica tetralix Host plant species

From genus: Erica

Information in this section was automatically retrieved from Wikipedia/Wikidata and is not endorsed by the Flemish Entomological Society.

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Vernacular names: [[ vernacularNamesAsStr ]]

IUCN conservation status:

More details about [[ speciesName ]] at: GBIF Wikipedia iNaturalist

Observed lepidoptera species

  • Pleurota bicostella [Gemsmot (NL), Weißstreifenmotte (DE)]
  • Scythris ericivorella [Heidedikkopmot (NL)]
  • Amblyptilia acanthadactyla [Scherphoekvedermot (NL), Plume Moth (EN), Braune Federmotte (DE)]
  • Philedonides lunana [Bruine maanbladroller (NL), Heath Twist (EN)]
  • Exapate congelatella [Winterbladroller (NL), Autumnal Shade (EN), Liguster-Herbstwickler (DE)]
  • Acleris hyemana [Variabele heidebladroller (NL), Heath Button (EN), Veränderlicher Heidewickler (DE)]
  • Ancylis unguicella [Slanke haakbladroller (NL), Broken-barred Roller, Heath Hook-wing (EN), Gelber Heide-Spitzflügelwickler (DE)]
  • Anarta myrtilli [Roodbont heide-uiltje (NL), Beautiful Yellow Underwing (EN), La Noctuelle de la Myrtille (FR), Heidekrauteulchen (DE)]
  • Xestia agathina [Late heide-uil (NL), Heath rustic (EN), La Noctuelle agathine (FR), Heidekraut-Bodeneule (DE)]