Host plant genus
From family: Poaceae
Host plant species for this genus:
Agrostis stolonifera
Agrostis vinealis
Observed lepidoptera species
Elachista herrichii
[Struisgrasmineermot (NL)]
Elachista stabilella
[Schorrengrasmineermot (NL)]
Coenonympha arcania
[Tweekleurig hooibeestje (NL), Pearly Heath (EN), Céphale (FR), Weißbindiges Wiesenvögelchen (DE)]
Lasiommata maera
[Rotsvlinder (NL), Large Wall (EN), Némusien (FR), Braunauge (DE)]
Lasiommata megera
[Argusvlinder (NL), The Wall (EN), Satyre (FR), Mauerfuchs (DE)]
Hipparchia semele
[Heivlinder (NL), The Grayling (EN), Agreste (FR), Ockerbindiger Samtfalter (DE)]
Pyronia tithonus
[Oranje zandoogje (NL), The Gatekeeper (EN), Amaryllis (FR), Rotbraunes Ochsenauge (DE)]
Maniola jurtina
[Bruin zandoogje (NL), Meadow Brown (EN), Myrtil (FR), Großes Ochsenauge (DE)]