Seq # 265130020

Dichomeris derasella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Species

Last modified: Feb. 26, 2024, 5:28 p.m.

A very rare species in the southern part of Belgium.


Family: Gelechiidae > Subfamily: Dichomeridinae > Genus: Dichomeris > Species: Dichomeris derasella
Vernacular names
Sleedoornpalpmot (NL), Scarce Blackthorn Snout, Blackthorn Crest (EN), Schlehen-Palpenmotte (DE)
Dichomeris fasciella (Hübner, 1796)
First mention in Belgium
De Sélys-Longchamps E. 1844. Énumération des insectes Lépidoptères de la Belgique. — Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liége 2: 1–35. On page 24.



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Wingspan 20–22 mm.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


Head ochreous-red; prothoracic plate ochreous to brownish, posteriorly with pair of black medial and lateral dots; thoracic segments II and III with black lateral spots, thoracic legs pale; abdomen whitish grey, with weak greenish grey dorsal line and olive, sub-dorsal lines; pinacula large, black (Gregersen & Karsholt 2022).

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The larve lives between two flat spun leaves or inside a rolled leaf. When the the larva is full fed, it descends to the ground and spins a cocoon where pupation takes place. Hibernates as a pupa.
The adults come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults fly usually from late April till late July.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Prunus spinosa
Host plant (genera):

The larva lives on Prunus spinosa. Also recorded from Rubus.

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It inhabits hedgerows, scrubland and open woodland.

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