Last modified: Nov. 13, 2023, 12:34 p.m.
A very rare and local species in Belgium, hitherto only observed in the southern provinces.
A species of dry habitats.
A small species, wingspan 11–17 mm. Very closely related to Aethes piercei and identification is usually necessary via the genitals.
The ground color of this species is usually lighter and the silvery white spots are usually connected to form transverse bands.
Size and habitat details essential for species identification.
The larva lives in the rootstock of the food palnt. It hibernates and pupates in the larval habitation during the next spring.The adults are active at dusk and later come to light.
The adults have usually been observed from May till well in July.
The larva lives on Knautia arvensis or Scabiosa columbaria.
Dry or well-drained habitats such as fields, dry meadows, thickets, calcareous grasslands and rocky soils.