Seq # 270210225

Elachista fulgens Parenti, 1983 Species

Last modified: July 13, 2024, 6:24 p.m.

A new species in 2023 for Belgium.


Family: Elachistidae > Subfamily: Elachistinae > Genus: Elachista > Species: Elachista fulgens
Vernacular names
Gelijnde zeggemineermot (NL)




Wingspan 6–8,5 mm. Frons shining grey; vertex and collar shining bronze. Antenna four-fifth of the forewing lenght, blackish-brown. Thorax and tegulae shining bronze.
Forewing ground colour shining blackish-brown, base shining bronze, an irregular pale golden metallic, slightly outward bent, fascia just before middle, a long irregular, outwardly oblique, silver metallic costal spot, often suffused on inside by blackish-brown scales near costa, opposite a silver metallic tornal spot, suffused or sometimes divided by blackish-brown scales, both costal and tornal spot forms an almost complete fascia to the dorsum, sometimes a few silver metallic scales towards termen, between costal and tornal spots; the shape of the costal and tornal spot varies due to the extension of the blackish-brown suffusion; cilia line distinct, black, cilia dark grey. Hindwing blackish, cilia dark grey; underside of forewing and hindwing dark grey. Abdomen shining blackish-brown dorsally, grey laterally, greyish-white ventrally, anal tuft blackish-brown.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The adults are active in afternoon and fly low over the host plant.

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Flight periods

The adults have been seen from late April towards late July.

Observed on

The monophagous larve feeds on Cyperaceae like Carex acuta, Carex acutiformis and Carex sp. Very likely also on Carex elata and Carex riparia.

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It occurs in wet and swampy places where the host plant occurs.

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