Seq # 903240005

Ochropleura leucogaster (Freyer, 1831) Species

Last modified: March 3, 2024, 6:28 p.m.

First observation of this very rare migrant for Belgium was in autumn 2019 in WV.


Family: Noctuidae > Subfamily: Noctuinae > Tribus: Noctuini > Genus: Ochropleura > Species: Ochropleura leucogaster
Vernacular names
Sierlijke haarbos (NL), Radford's Flame Shoulder (EN), Südalpen-Erdeule (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Steeman C. & Sierens T. 2020. Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2019 (Lepidoptera) — Phegea 48(2): 26–40. On page 35. view page


For your information, to the best of our knowledge, the first 10 Belgian observations (if any) are listed here:
1) 1 ♂ on 23.x.2019 at Hooglede (WV), leg. & gen. det. W. Declercq.
2) 1 ♂ on 09.xi.2020 at Esneux (LG), leg. E. Wille, gen. det. C. Steeman.
3) 1 ex. 27.x.2022 at Raversijde (WV), leg. R. Allaert.
4) 1 ex. 30.ix.2023 at Oostende (WV), leg. J. Rottiers.
5) 1 ex. on 02.x.2023 at Wenduine (WV), leg. S. Stevens.



Wingspan: 31–37 mm.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


Larvae can be found year-round and live quite concealed near the ground at daytime.

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Flight periods

Adults are on the wing year-round, but most vagrants are seen during autumn.
Species seen in Belgium were in late October and early November.

Observed on

The larva is polyphagous on grasses and herbs like various Poaceae, Trifolium, Rumex, Oxalis, etc...

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It inhabits especially humid to wet places with dense, but more short growing vegetation.

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