Last modified: Feb. 8, 2024, 4:57 p.m.
A rather common species throughout Belgium.
Wingspan 8–10 mm. A small Tortricid with dark fuscous or grey forewings and a dorsal blotch divided into 4 long white striaea. There are four pairs of white strigulae on the costa which subtend short metallic violet stria. There is also a leaden metallic ocellus.
The larva lives in the stem which often causes wilting or distorted growth of one or more leaves of the shoot or between spun or folded leaves, flowers or seeds on the host plant. The full-fed larva hibernates. It pupates in a white silken cocoon spun amongst leaf-litter. The larvae of the second generation and those of the univoltine populations hibernate within the cocoon and pupate in spring. The pupa protrudes the cocoon shortly before emergence.
The males are active in afternoon sunshine, the females towards sunset. Later they come occasionally to light.
The adults have been seen from mid-April towards mid-September in two generations a year. Biggest numbers during May and July.
The larva lives various species of Fabaceae, mainly on Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, Trifolium hybridum, Melilotus albus, Medicago sativa, Astragalus cicer, and Lotus corniculatus.
It inhabits dry grassland, clover fields and flowery meadows.