Seq # 603520410

Eupithecia phoeniceata (Rambur, 1834) Species

Last modified: Oct. 18, 2023, 12:13 p.m.

A very rare and local species in Belgium. First observation in WV on 31 August 2006. Nowadays mainly confined close to the French border in West-Vlaanderen.


Family: Geometridae > Subfamily: Larentiinae > Tribus: Eupitheciini > Genus: Eupithecia > Species: Eupithecia phoeniceata
Vernacular names
Cipresdwergspanner (NL), Cypress Pug (EN), L'Eupithécie du Cyprès (FR), Zypressen-Zwergspanner (DE)
First mention in Belgium
De Prins W. 2007. Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2006 (Lepidoptera). — Phegea 35(1): 1–20. On page 16.




Wingspan: 18–22 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


It hibernates as a larva and pupates in a slight cocoon among needles on the foodplant.
The adults are active from dusk onwards and later come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults fly in one generation a year, as early as May till October, but usually seen during August and September.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Cupressocyparis x leylandii
Host plant (genera):
Cupressus and Juniperus

The larva lives on various (cultivated) coniferous trees like Cupressus or Juniperus.

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