Seq # 270210305

Elachista metella Kaila, 2002 Species

Last modified: Nov. 18, 2022, 3:19 p.m.

This species was described new to science in 2002 and belongs to the Elachista cingillella complex. After investigation by L. Kaila & J. Junnilainen, this complex consists of 6 valid species. All references to Elachista cingillella from southern Europe and Belgium in fact concern Elachista metella.
Recorded from the province of NA as Elachista cingillella based on three male specimens which were caught at Belvaux on 26.v.1980, leg. & gen. det. G. & W. De Prins. During 2019 two specimens were collected near Resteigne (LX) and Modave (LG).
Hitherto a very rare and local species.


Family: Elachistidae > Subfamily: Elachistinae > Genus: Elachista > Species: Elachista metella
Vernacular names
Gierstgrasmineermot (NL)
Elachista cingillella sensu auct., nec (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)
First mention in Belgium
De Prins W. 1998. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium. — Studiedocumenten Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 92: 1–236. On page 57.




It varies considerably in size, individuals of the autumn brood being often smaller than those flying in early summer. Wingspan from 6.5–9.1 mm.
Wings consisting of grey, dark tipped scales giving it a mottled appearance with in the middle of the wing an ochreous white transverse fascia, extended from costa to dorsal margin.
Since there are many black-grey species with a white transverse fascia, control of the genitalia is necessary for identification.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature



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Immature stages are unknown.

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Flight periods

Flies in two generations a year from mid May till August.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Milium effusum
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Inhabits open or bushy xerothermic places.

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