Last modified: Dec. 1, 2024, 12:29 p.m.
A very rare and local species in Belgium that has been found in more places since 2004. Nevertheless it remains rarely observed.
The fully developed case is ± 7 mm long, tri-valved and with a mouth angle of 45°–60°.
See also
The larva bores into a seed pod of Ulex europaeus or Genista spp. and feeds on the developing seeds. Later it leaves the pod and constructs a cigar-shaped case made of sepals. Finally, it leaves its feeding case and spins another case entirely made of silk.
The larva pupates after overwintering.
The adults are day-active, especially at dusk and later on come infrequently to light.
The adults fly from late May till early July in one generation.
The main hostplant is Ulex europaeus.