Last modified: March 22, 2025, 9:58 a.m.
A rare and local species in Belgium. Possibly overlooked.
Wingspan 11–15 mm. Ground colour yelowish-white, extensively suffused ochreous. Markings olive-brown, variably suffused grey. Basal and subbasal fasciae present as a costal mark only. Median fascia broad, well-marked in dorsal half, more diffuse in costal half. Tornal mark may be diffuse extending to costa, often fusing with median fascia. Pre-apical spot extending as a narrow subterminal stria to tornus.
The larva feeds on the seeds and roots and hibernates full-fed in a cocoon between bark and pith in a last years dead stem of the food plant. The larva prepares an exit hole. The pupa protrudes the stem before emerging.
On warm sunny days the males flies in the afternoon around their food plants, while the females hides at the bases and later come to light.
The adults have usually been observed from end of May till late August in one generation.
The larva feeds on Eupatorium cannabinum or Lycopus europaeus.
It inhabits waste ground, open places, forest edges.