Seq # 250110160

Agonopterix nervosa (Haworth, 1811) Species

Last modified: Nov. 28, 2024, 2:40 p.m.

A local and very rare species in Belgium, mainly observed in the higher parts of the country.


Family: Depressariidae > Subfamily: Depressariinae > Genus: Agonopterix > Species: Agonopterix nervosa
Vernacular names
Spitse kaartmot (NL)
Agonopterix costosa (Haworth, 1811) and Agonopterix depunctella (Hübner, 1813)
First mention in Belgium
De Sélys-Longchamps E. 1844. Énumération des insectes Lépidoptères de la Belgique. — Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liége 2: 1–35. On page 24 (as Haemilis depunctella Tr.). view page



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Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


Very variable in colour, from light green to yellowish brown with darker dorsal and dorsolateral lines; head brown or black; prothoracic plate greenish; pinacula black.

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The larva lives within spun shoots of the foodplant.
Pupation in the larval habitation or amongst detritus.
The species occasionally hibernate in the adult stage. Adults are rarely seen. They hide during the day and become active at night. They occasionally come to light.

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Flight periods

One generation a year from July till September. Some specimens have been observed in early spring, suggesting that at least part of the population hibernates as an adult.

Observed on

Host plant (genera):
Ulex and Cytisus

The species is oligophagous on several Fabaceae.

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