Seq # 265020030

Aproaerema captivella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) Species

Last modified: Feb. 26, 2024, 4:25 p.m.

Although this is an easily recognizable species in the genus, it has not been reported from Belgium for a long time. Probably extinct.


Family: Gelechiidae > Subfamily: Anacampsinae > Tribus: Anacampsini > Genus: Aproaerema > Species: Aproaerema captivella
Vernacular names
Grote bandpalpmot (NL)
Aproaerema sarothamnella (Zeller, 1868)
First mention in Belgium
Janmoulle E. 1952c. Notes sur les Microlépidoptères de Belgique. IV. Quelques espèces nouvelles pour la faune belge ou peu connues. — Bulletin du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique 28(68): 1–8. On page 6.


First observation for Belgium on 22.vii.1951 at Donderslag (Helchteren).


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Wingspan 7–8 mm. A small species.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature

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Head red brown, thoracic segment 1 reddish brown with plate blackish brown, thoracic segment 2 & 3 and abdomen dull reddish white with darker reddish dots organised as longitudinal bands, pinacula tiny, thoracic legs blackish brown (Gregersen & Karsholt 2022).

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The larva lives in young shoots on the host plant.
The adults come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults are on the wing from mid-June towards early September in two generations.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Cytisus scoparius and Genista pilosa

The larva lives on Cytisus scoparius and Genista pilosa.

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It occurs in open heaths with the host plant.

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