Last modified: Dec. 31, 2024, 12:14 p.m.
A rare species in Belgium.
Native In Belgium since August 1976.
First observation of this species in Knokke-Heist (WV).
Young larvae bore in the midrib that turns somewhat pale and translucent; from here they make rather small, brownish, wrinkled, not very transparent blotches. Later they can make blotches that extend further from the midrib, but they often soon start living as borers, also observed mining the stem and berries, or they live freely outside the plant. Pupation external.The species overwinters often as an adult but also as a larva.
The adults become active during dusk and later come to light.
The species can be found in any month of the year. The adults usually fly from May towards late October and hibernates frequently and reappears in late winter/spring.
The larva lives mainly on Solanum dulcamara, also on Solanum tuberosum, Solanum melongena and Atropa belladonna.
It inhabits in suitable localities where the food plant occurs and is found in a wide range of habitats.