Last modified: Nov. 17, 2023, 1:47 p.m.
A very rare and local species in Belgium, mainly observed in the northern part.
Wingspan 11–16 mm. Extremely variable species in colour. A long winged species with narrow usually clearly defined markings. The basal patch is strong on the dorsum. The central fascia is narrow on the costa and has a narrow extension towards the termen centrally before becoming wider. There is a patch on the centre of the termen.
The larva lives on the flowerheads, unripe seeds and in heart of young shoots on the food plant and spin tubes among the leaves.
The adults can be seen flying in late afternoon around the foodplant and later on comes to light.
The adults fly in two generations and may be found from May towards September.
The larva lives on Armeria maritima.
Generally a coastal species,but it can also be found inland in gardens, quarries where the food plant occurs.