Last modified: Feb. 16, 2024, 5:35 p.m.
A common species throughout Belgium.
Wingspan 15–21 mm. Larger than Hedya pruniana, appears narrower-winged. The two black postmedian dots are more prominent and they are situated costal to the angle of the median fascia. It has five smaller pairs of strigulae along the costa in the pale section of the wing.
Eggs are oval, flattened and finely reticulated. Translucent in colour at first and becoming yellowish-white with age. Laid singly or in small batches of 2-4 eggs on the underside of leaves.
The adults fly in one generation and have been observed from late May till mid-August, rarely later.
It inhabits hawthorn and blackthorn hedges, thickets, gardens, orchards and open moorland.