Seq # 500790020

Ancylolomia tentaculella (Hübner, 1796) Species

Last modified: Dec. 28, 2023, 12:54 p.m.

This very rare species was seen for the first time in Belgium in 2019 in NA.


Family: Crambidae > Subfamily: Crambinae > Tribus: Ancylolomiini > Genus: Ancylolomia > Species: Ancylolomia tentaculella
Vernacular names
Scarce Striped Grass-veneer, Giant Grass-moth (EN), L'Ancylolome commun, le Crambus tentaculé (FR)
First mention in Belgium
Steeman C. & Sierens T. 2020. Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2019 (Lepidoptera) — Phegea 48(2): 26–40. On page 36. view page


For your information, to the best of our knowledge, the first 10 Belgian observations are listed here:
1) 1 ex. on 31.vii.2018 at Hoogstraten (AN), leg. B. Hoeymans.
2) 1 ♂ on 20.vii.2019 at Laforêt (NA), leg. P. Hendrickx et al.
3) 1 ♂ on 13.viii.2020 at Gent (OV), leg. D. De Wilde.
4) 1 ♂ on 09.viii.2021 at Ukkel (BR), leg. G. Delforge.
5) 1 ex. on 16.vii.2023 at De Pinte (OV), leg. P. Vijncke.


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Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


Easily flushed out from herbaceous vegetation during the day.

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Flight periods

The adults are on the wing from mid-June towards mid-August.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Dactylis glomerata

Grasses, especially Dactylis glomerata.

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Dry, open grassy habitats, wasteland, sunny embankments, steppes.

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