Seq # 361310025

Cnephasia cupressivorana (Staudinger, 1871) Species

Last modified: Jan. 15, 2024, 3:57 p.m.

A very rare and local spring species in Belgium, only discovered in 2019 in NA.


Family: Tortricidae > Subfamily: Tortricinae > Tribus: Cnephasiini > Genus: Cnephasia > Subgenus: Cnephasia > Species: Cnephasia cupressivorana
Vernacular names
First mention in Belgium
Steeman C. 2021a. Cnephasia cupressivorana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Cnephasiini), nieuw voor de Belgische fauna — Phegea 49(2): 78–80. On page 78. view page




Wingspan 16–20 mm. Like most of the Cnephasia species, a grey forewing colour with slight brownish or whitisch admixtures, darker strigulations and blackish dots. Markings are typical pale brownish grey for the genus and variably developed.
Recognizable only by examination of the genitalia.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


Male: sacculus of medium lenght and distal part up-curved, aedeagus slender and straight.
Female: colliculum sclerite rather weak.


Little is known about the biology.

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Flight periods

An early spring species flying from mid-April till late May in one generation a year.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Prunus armeniaca
Host plant (genera):
Cupressus and Scrophularia

Little is known about the food plants, is the caterpillar polyphagous or not? The following plants Cupressus sp., Prunus armeniaca and Scrophularia auriculata are mentioned in the literature with reservations.

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It inhabits open woods on limestone soils.

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