Seq # 900250005

Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766) Species

Last modified: Dec. 28, 2023, 12:48 p.m.

A very rare migrant in Belgium. First observation was in LX during 2018.


Family: Noctuidae > Subfamily: Acontiinae > Tribus: Acontiini > Genus: Acontia > Subgenus: Acontia > Species: Acontia lucida
Vernacular names
Bleekschouderuil (NL), Pale Shoulder (EN), Le Collier blanc (FR), Malveneule (DE)


For your information, to the best of our knowledge, the first 10 Belgian observations are listed here:
1) 1 ex. on 12.ix.2018 at Robelmont (LX), leg. M. Ameels.
2) 1 ex. on 24.vii.2019 at Hooglede (WV), leg. W. Declercq.
3) 1 ex. on 29.viii.2019 at Hoepertingen (LI), leg. S. Carolus.
4) 1 ex. on 08.vii.2020 at Honsem-Mene near Hoegaarden (VB), leg. P. Van Nuffel.
5) 1 ex. on 11.viii.2020 at Rochehaut (LX), leg. J. Soors.
6) 1 ex. on 13.viii.2020 at Aye (LX), leg. M. Baeten & W. De Smet.
7) 1 ex. on 12.vii.2023 at Brugge (WV), leg. J. Buckens.
8) 1 ex. on 15.vii.2023 at Leuven (VB), leg. F. P. Imre.
9) 1 ex. on 15.vii.2023 at Mater near Oudenaarde (OV), leg. L. Levrau.
10) 1 ex. on 19.vii.2023 at Sint-Jans-Molenbeek (BR), leg. E. Ravert.



Wingspan: 25–30 mm.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


Adults are active during the day visiting flowers en later come to light.

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Flight periods

It flies between May and August in two broods.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Convolvulus arvensis and Glechoma hederacea
Host plant (genera):
Malva, Convolvulus and Glechoma
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