Seq # 362930130

Grapholita coronillana Lienig & Zeller, 1846 Species

Last modified: Dec. 26, 2023, 10:48 a.m.

A very rare and local species, restricted to the southern part of Belgium. Not often recorded.


Family: Tortricidae > Subfamily: Olethreutinae > Tribus: Grapholitini > Genus: Grapholita > Subgenus: Grapholita > Species: Grapholita coronillana
Vernacular names
Kroonkruidbladroller (NL)
First mention in Belgium
De Prins W. 1998. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium. — Studiedocumenten Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 92: 1–236. On page 99.




Wingspan 9–12 mm. Frons slightly lighter and more creamy than remainder parts of head. Forewings grey brown with weak olive hue, in terminal part sprinkled ochreous. A dorsal blotch divided into 2 broad white striae, sometimes confluent. There are four pairs of white strigulae on the costa which subtend short metallic violet stria. There is also a weak leaden metallic ocellus.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


The larva is whitish with brownish dots. The head and neck shield are brown, with darker dots on the sides and back, the anal valve is dark brown, in front of it two larger dark dots.

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The larva lives in the pods on the host plant.
The adults come sparsely to light.

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Flight periods

The adults are on the wing from late April towards mid-June.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Coronilla varia

The larve feeds on Coronilla varia.

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It inhabits flowery roadsides and meadows, rough ground and in suitable localities where the food plant occurs

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