Last modified: Dec. 7, 2024, 12:07 p.m.
Rather common in most areas of Belgium.
The larva lives in a gallery in the inner living bark of Fraxinus, preferring old or damaged (pollarded) trees. It possibly lives two years. Only some trees are infested, leaving the others unattacked. They can be located by searching for fine-grained frass at the edges of trunk wounds or in bark crevices. Larvae of Cossus cossus sometimes feed in the same place, but they produce pale brown frass with bigger 'pellets'.
Pupation in a cocoon in the larval feeding place. The pupa does not protrude the cocoon before emerging.
Adults are active at dusk and later come to light.
The adults have been observed from May to September, but mostly in July & August. Univoltine.