Seq # 603520440

Eupithecia pulchellata Stephens, 1831 Species

Last modified: Oct. 18, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

A rare and widespread species in Belgium.


Family: Geometridae > Subfamily: Larentiinae > Tribus: Eupitheciini > Genus: Eupithecia > Species: Eupithecia pulchellata
Vernacular names
Vingerhoedskruiddwergspanner (NL), Foxglove Pug (EN), L'Eupithécie de la Digitale pourpre (FR), Rotfingerhut-Blütenspanner (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Richard F. 1946. Espèces nouvelles pour la faune belge (suite). — Lambillionea 46: 87–89, 119–120. On page 120.




Wingspan: 18–22 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


It hibernates as pupa, occasionally twice.
They are active from dusk onwards and later come to light.
Always observed in the neighbourhood of the food plant.

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Flight periods

The adults fly from early May till mid-August in one, sometimes two generations a year.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Digitalis purpurea

The monophagous larva lives in the flowers of Digitalis purpurea.

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