Seq # 250120080

Depressaria emeritella Stainton, 1849 Species

Last modified: Nov. 29, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

Very rarely observed in Belgium.


Family: Depressariidae > Subfamily: Depressariinae > Genus: Depressaria > Species: Depressaria emeritella
Vernacular names
Witrugplatlijfje (NL)
First mention in Belgium
Van Daele E. & Pelerents C. 1969. Synthèse des observations effectuées pendant quatre années sur les lépidoptères nocturnes de la région horticole gantoise. — Mededelingen Rijksfaculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Gent 34: 31–56. On page 58.




A large species. Forewing ground colour dark brown, a white discal spot, and a short whitish longitudinal streak before it. Some dark brown, blackish lines especially in the apical area.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


Green with dark green dorsal and subdorsal lines; head capsule yellowish green; prothoracic plate green with small black dots.

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A loose silken spinning.

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The exact oviposition plates is unknown but likely to happen in April–May.
The caterpillar spins a leaf together into a roll or tube in June–July.
The full-grown larva drops to the ground and constructs a loose silken spinning in the soil or among detritus in which it pupates.
The species hibernate in the adult stage, hiding in sheltered places. Adults are rarely seen.

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Flight periods

One generation a year in August–September and reappearing after hibernation in April–May.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Tanacetum vulgare

The species is monophagous on Tanacetum vulgare.

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Open places in woodlands, ruderal places on sandy soil where the foodplant grows.

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