Last modified: Dec. 23, 2024, 12:24 p.m.
A fairly common species throughout Belgium.
Wingspan 9,5–13 mm.
The forewings are metal-green-golden, sometimes with a purplish shine and slightly darkened at the tip of the wings.
The base of the antennae is clearly thickened to nearly half the length.
The antennae are ringed alternately black and white till 3/5 to the tip.
The larvae live in a reddish brown case, made of a dried floret.
See also
The eggs are deposited on the flowers of the host plant.
The case is built in the later stages and is very difficult to find between the florets.
Pupation in the case, usually attached to the vegetation.
The adults are active in sunshine and later come sparsely to light.
The adults fly mainly during June and July.
Monophagously on Trifolium repens.
Where the host plants occur: edges of fields and more or less quiet roads.