Seq # 275020150

Coleophora argentula (Stephens, 1834) Species

Last modified: Dec. 5, 2024, 11 a.m.

A not so common species throughout Belgium.


Family: Coleophoridae > Genus: Coleophora > Species: Coleophora argentula
Vernacular names
Duizendbladkokermot (NL), Yarrow case-bearer (EN), Schafgarben-Sackmotte (DE)
Coleophora cothurnella (Duponchel, 1843)
First mention in Belgium
De Crombrugghe G. 1901. Note sur quelques Microlépidoptères de la faune belge. — Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45: 100–104. On page 102 (as Coleophora argentula Z.). view page




Wingspan 9–13 mm.
The forewings are cream-coloured and have distinct white stripes. Most of the time there are also little black dots.
The antennae are partly ringed.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature



The larva forms a silken case, white when juvenile, but a brown, tri-valved tubular silken case when full-grown.
This case is at that moment about 5–6 mm long and the mouth angle is 0°–20°.
See also


The eggs are oviposited on the flowers of the food plant. The larvae feed on the flowers and the seeds living inside a brown silken case. The caterpillars can easily be found on the florets of the hostplant from mid-August till well in October.
In general, the fully developed larvae leave the plant to hibernate. Pupation takes place inside the case on ground level or on the florets.
The adults are night-active from the evening till sunrise and come infrequently to light.

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Flight periods

C. argentula flies in July and August in one generation.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Achillea millefolium and Achillea ptarmica
Host plant (genera):

Achillea millefolium is mostly taken but sometimes also A. ptarmica.

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