Seq # 275020080

Coleophora albidella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Species

Last modified: Dec. 2, 2024, 5:43 p.m.

A rare species in Belgium.


Family: Coleophoridae > Genus: Coleophora > Species: Coleophora albidella
Vernacular names
Witte wilgenkokermot (NL), White sallow case-bearer (EN), Weiße Weiden-Sackmotte (DE)
First mention in Belgium
De Fré Ch. 1858. Catalogue des Microlépidoptères de la Belgique. — Annales de la Société entomologique belge 2: 45–162. On page 142 (as C.[oleophora] Albidella. W. V.). view page




Wingspan 13–16 mm.
The forewings are white with small ochreous or greyish spots.
The antennae are ringed with alternating white and light brown segments till the tip.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature

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The full-grown larva of this species has a blackish brown pistol case of about 7 mm long and, with a mouth angle of circa 70°, standing almost perpendicular to the leaf.
See also


In springtime, the caterpillar lives in the buds. Later on, it makes skeletal food patterns on the leaves.
Pupation takes place on a twig or upon a leaf.

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Flight periods

The adults are on the wing mostly in June and July.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Salix caprea
Host plant (genera):

Salix caprea is the main host plant but other Salix species are also taken as host.

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This monophage species lives on Salix but, since this plant grows throughout the whole of Belgium, the cases can also be found everywhere.

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