Seq # 321130010

Buckleria paludum (Zeller, 1839) Species

Last modified: March 8, 2025, 2:35 p.m.

A very local and very rare species in Belgium, thus far only known from the Kempen.


Family: Pterophoridae > Subfamily: Pterophorinae > Genus: Buckleria > Species: Buckleria paludum
Vernacular names
Zonnedauwvedermot (NL), European Sundew Plume Moth, European Sundew Plume (EN), Sonnentau-Federmotte (DE)
First mention in Belgium
De Crombrugghe G. 1903. Note sur quelques Lépidoptères de la faune belge et sur leurs larves. — Revue mensuelle de la Société entomologique namuroise 3: 52–55. On page 52.




Wingspan 12–14 mm.
Diagnostic features for the genus Buckleria: forewing cleft from middle, both lobes with an acute apex and some isolated dark scales (but not in the shape of a scale-tooth) at the dorsum of the third lobe on the hindwing.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The eggs are oviposited on the underside of the leaves. The larva feeds on the leaves and petioles and it pupates under the leaf or on the herbs in the vicinity.
The larvae of the second generation hibernate.
The adults are mainly active in the evening and just after dark.

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Flight periods

Two generations a year in May-June, and again in July-August, with the peak in August.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Drosera rotundifolia

Monophagous on Drosera rotundifolia.

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Moorlands, peat bogs.

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