Seq # 901510010

Agrochola lychnidis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Species

Last modified: Dec. 10, 2024, 2:16 p.m.

A rare and local species throughout Belgium, more frequently seen in the center and south of the country.

This species is considered Least Concern according to the IUCN Red List category for Flanders 2023.


Family: Noctuidae > Subfamily: Xyleninae > Tribus: Xylenini > Genus: Agrochola > Subgenus: Agrochola > Species: Agrochola lychnidis
Vernacular names
Variabele herfstuil (NL), Beaded Chestnut (EN), La Xanthie cannellée (FR), Veränderliche Herbsteule (DE)
Agrochola pistacina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
First mention in Belgium
De Sélys-Longchamps E. 1844. Énumération des insectes Lépidoptères de la Belgique. — Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liége 2: 1–35. On page 12.



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Wingspan 30–38 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The young larva lives on lower plants and later it lives on leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs. Hibernates as an egg.
The adults come to light and sugar.

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Flight periods

The adults fly from mid-September till the end of October in one generation.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Stellaria media
Host plant (genera):
Crataegus, Trifolium and Ranunculus
Herbaceous plants and Deciduous trees

The larva lives on several species of lower plants like Trifolium, Ranunculus and Stellaria media. Later on, it lives on the leaves of deciduous trees especially Crataegus and shrubs.

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