Seq # 362960020

Strophedra weirana (Douglas, 1850) Species

Last modified: Jan. 1, 2024, noon

A not so common species in Belgium.


Family: Tortricidae > Subfamily: Olethreutinae > Tribus: Grapholitini > Genus: Strophedra > Species: Strophedra weirana
Vernacular names
Beukenbladroller (NL), Little Beech Piercer, Little Beech Tortrix (EN), Buchenblatt-Zwergwickler (DE)
Strophedra flexana sensu auct.
First mention in Belgium
De Crombrugghe G. 1906a. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépidoptères de Belgique. — Mémoires de la Société entomologique de Belgique XIII: 1–172; XIV: 1–155. On page 147.



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Wingspan 10–12 mm. This species is the larger and darker of the two sometimes appearing sooty and is less clearly marked than Strophedra nitidana.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature

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The larva feeds between two leaves spun together causing window feeding, much frass accumulates between the leaves. It pupates in the larval feeding places in a frass-covered cocoon and hibernates as a pupa.
The adults fly at sunrise and in sunshine in the afternoon and evening and later come to light.

Flight periods

The adults fly from late April towards early September.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Fagus sylvatica

The larva lives mainly on Fagus sylvatica. Also reported from Carpinus betulus, Betula and Castanea sativa, the latter one is questionable.

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It inhabits beech woods and areas where the host plant is present.

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