Last modified: Nov. 7, 2024, 3:34 p.m.
First record in 2006 in the south of Belgium. Since then, more and more observations became known from other provinces and the species seems to be fairly common now all over the country.
The egg is laid on the underside of the leaf, close to a rib.
The larva makes a long sinuous gallery filled for most of its length with coiled green frass. (in older mines blackish) In some cases the frass is partly linear in the mine.
See also
One of the few Nepticulidae that hibernates as an adult, usually behind hanging bark.
The adults fly in two generations: from May to June and again in August.
Mostly on Acer campestre and Acer platanoides. Sometimes on other species of Acer like A. cappadocium. Records from Acer pseudoplatanus are from Stigmella speciosa.