Seq # 362770030

Rhyacionia pinicolana (Doubleday, 1849) Species

Last modified: Dec. 10, 2023, 2:30 p.m.

A fairly common species throughout Belgium, especially in the northern part.


Family: Tortricidae > Subfamily: Olethreutinae > Tribus: Eucosmini > Genus: Rhyacionia > Species: Rhyacionia pinicolana
Vernacular names
Rode dennenlotboorder (NL), Smooth Pine Shoot Moth, Orange-spotted Shoot (EN), Kiefern-Knospentriebwickler (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Janmoulle E. 1947c. Microlépidoptères nouveaux pour la faune belge. — Lambillionea 47(5–8): 43–44. On page 43.




Wingspan 16–24 mm. Red-orange forewings with a number of irregular silvery transverse lines. One of the silvery transverse lines runs just inside the outer edge and is parallel to it. Drawing and colors more subtle and precise with finer, more precise white markings. Hindwings light grey, not noticeably dark. Indistinct posterior thoracic crest.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The larva feeds in a shoot and pupates in a silken cocoon covered with frass in the larval feeding place. The species hibernates in the egg stage.
The adults are active at dusk and come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults fly from late May till late August. Most observations during July.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Pinus sylvestris

The larva feeds on Pinus sylvestris and Pinus sp.

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It inhabits pine forest, plantations, sandy areas with scattered pines and heathland.

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