Seq # 900080010

Polychrysia moneta (Fabricius, 1787) Species

Last modified: Sept. 15, 2023, 5:14 p.m.

A very rare and rapidly declining local species in Belgium, nowadays only observed in LG.


Family: Noctuidae > Subfamily: Plusiinae > Tribus: Plusiini > Genus: Polychrysia > Species: Polychrysia moneta
Vernacular names
Gelduil (NL), Golden Plusia (EN), Plusie monnaie (FR), Eisenhut-Goldeule (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Quaedvlieg L. 1873. Rapports, lectures, communications. — Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 16: xli. On page xli (as Plusia Moneta). view page




Wingspan 40-45mm.
They feed actively at dusk and later come sparsely to light and never at sugar.
They hide by day under the leaves of the foodplant or in dense vegetation.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The larvae feeding mainly on cultivated Delphinium and on Aconitum.

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The young larva hibernates at the roots of the food plant, and later lives and feeds in a small capsule constructed from a folded and partially withered leaf. After the last instar, the bright green larva lives in the open on the leaves of the food plant and can be found in May and June, and as a partial second generation in August.
Pupation takes place in a large yellow cocoon attached to the underside of a leaf on the food plant.
The adults come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults fly in one generation a year from mid May till August, sometimes a partial second generation occurs till October, although observation data in Belgium are from 06 June till 08 August.

Observed on

Host plant (genera):
Aconitum, Consolida, Delphinium and Trollius

The larva lives mainly on varieties of: Delphinium and Aconitum. Other plants recorded are: Consolida, Trollius, Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris.

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