Seq # 185330560

Phyllonorycter trifasciella (Haworth, 1828) Species

Last modified: Jan. 31, 2025, 2:36 p.m.

A rather common species throughout Belgium, more common in the northern areas.


Family: Gracillariidae > Subfamily: Lithocolletinae > Genus: Phyllonorycter > Species: Phyllonorycter trifasciella
Vernacular names
Oranje kamperfoelievouwmot (NL), Honeysuckle midget (EN), Geißblatt-Faltenminiermotte (DE)
Phyllonorycter heydenii (Zeller, 1846)
First mention in Belgium
De Fré Ch. 1858. Catalogue des Microlépidoptères de la Belgique. — Annales de la Société entomologique belge 2: 45–162. On page 158 (as L.[ithocolletis] Heydenii. Zell.). view page




Head brown; forewing ground colour brown, whitish pattern consisting of two narrow, transverse bands, two costal and one dorsal narrow striae; all bands and striae heavily edged with dark brown, blackish scales, especially towards the costal area; a patch of blackish scales in the apical area.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature



A tentiform mine on the underside of a leaf; many times the leaf margin is spun together diagonally to the main vein into a cone, in other cases the leaf is rolled transversally. The frass is concentrated in a corner of the mine.
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No real cocoon present, just some loose spinning.

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Fresh mines are observed in three periods March-April, July-August, and October.
It is not known at which stage the species hibernates. After the emergence of the adult, the pupal skin protrudes through the mine.

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Flight periods

The adults fly in three generations a year most common in May–June, less common from the end of July till mid-October, and the least observed in November.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Lonicera periclymenum

The larva lives on Lonicera periclymenum, occasionally also on Symphoricarpos or Leycesteria.

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