Last modified: Dec. 14, 2024, 4:33 p.m.
A widespread but local and fairly common species in Belgium.
Head brown, mixed with many white hairs; forewing ground colour ochreous brown with indistinct white pattern consisting of four costal and three dorsal striae, all ill-defined; the entire wing is covered with scattered brown-tipped scales.
A semi-circular or oval tentiform mine on the underside of a leaf. At first, the mine has a yellowish tinge, sometimes with a pink, or even reddish, hue, but after a while, it colours dark brown till even blackish. The underside is flat, without any longitudinal folds. The black frass is concentrated in a corner of the mine.
See also and
A flimsy cocoon in the opposite corner than the one where the frass is stored. Pupal skin very dark brown or black.
The species hibernates in the pupal stage. After emergence of the adult, the pupal skin protrudes through the mine.
Two generations a year in April–May and August–September.
The species is monophagous on Populus tremula, especially the saplings.