Last modified: Dec. 14, 2024, 3:31 p.m.
A local and very rare species in Belgium.
Head greyish brown. Forewing ground colour brown with four white costal and three white dorsal striae. The first costal and dorsal striae sometimes merge in the middle to form a transversal band.
Entirely yellow to brownish yellow with a brown head capsule.
A large tentiform mine on the underside of a leaf. The leaf is very much contorted. About 8 longitudinal folds.
See also and
White cocoon.
The eggs are deposited singly. The full-grown larva spins a white cocoon in the mine and pupates within that cocoon. The species hibernates in the pupal stage. Adults rest during day-time on a tree trunk or in the foliage and become active at dusk. They come to light.
One generation a year from the end of May till July.
The caterpillar lives on Betula pendula and B. pubescens.