Last modified: Dec. 14, 2024, 3:26 p.m.
A very rare species in Belgium, only known from some old records, the first one in 1904 and the last one in 1949. The species may be considered as extinct in Belgium.
Forewing ground colour brown, three whitish costal and two dorsal striae, the central striae often join in the middle to form a transverse band; a conspicuous dark brown spot at the inner margin, just before the middle.
A tentiform mine on the underside of the leaf, the upper side of the mine coloured whitish.
See also
A loose cocoon with few spinning within the mine.
The pupa lays freely in the very loose cocoon. The species hibernates in the pupal stage.
Probably two generations a year. The known specimens in Belgium were caught in April and July.
The species lives almost exclusively on Ulmus laevis and very rarely on other Ulmus species.