Seq # 603090020

Philereme vetulata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Species

Last modified: June 1, 2024, 12:46 p.m.

A rare but widespread species throughout Belgium.

This species is considered Least Concern according to the IUCN Red List category for Flanders 2023.


Family: Geometridae > Subfamily: Larentiinae > Tribus: Phileremini > Genus: Philereme > Species: Philereme vetulata
Vernacular names
Sporkehoutspanner (NL), Brown Scallop (EN), La Petite Phalène du Nerprun, La Vieillote (FR), Kleiner Kreuzdornspanner (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Fologne E., Sauveur J., Colbeau J. & Peteau A. 1861. Compte rendu d'une excursion entomologique faite aux environs de Dinant et de Rochefort au mois de juillet 1860. — Annales de la Société entomologique belge 5: 12–32. On page 25 (as vetularia). view page




Wingspan 24–30 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The larva is active during the night and by day it hides between spun leaves on the food plant. Hibernates as egg on the food plant.
The adults are active from dusk onwards and later come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults fly in one generation a year from end of May till early August.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Rhamnus cathartica

The larva lives on Rhamnus catharticus or Frangula alnus.

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