Last modified: Dec. 28, 2024, 1:59 p.m.
A fairly common species in the northern part of Belgium, much rarer in the southern part.
The young larva lives under the bark of the stem, causing irregular galleries. Later instars make blotch mines in the lower leaves.
See also
Pale ochreous.
The larva first lives as a miner in the stem of the food plant. It moves into the roots just before winter and hibernates there. In spring it returns to the stem where it makes galleries in the lower portion and it also mines the leaves.
When full-grown it pupates in the final mine in a pale ochreous cocoon.
The species hibernates in the larval stage.
Adults hide during daytime. They become active at night and come to light.
One generation a year from late May till early August.
Preferably in damp situations, banks of rivers, ditches.