Seq # 265370020

Metzneria aprilella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) Species

Last modified: Feb. 26, 2024, 6:25 p.m.

First observation in Belgium in 1994 in LX, and so far we known the only observation for our country.


Family: Gelechiidae > Subfamily: Anomologinae > Genus: Metzneria > Species: Metzneria aprilella
Vernacular names
Karmozijnrode distelpalpmot (NL), Brilliant Neb, Flame Seedhead Moth (EN)
First mention in Belgium
Valenne Y. 2000. Trois nouveaux Gelechiidae pour la faune belge (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). — Phegea 28(1): 11–12. On page 11. view page




Wingspan 16–20 mm.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature

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The larva lives in the seedheads consuming the seeds of the host plant.
The adults become active from late afternoon and later come to light.

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Flight periods

The adults are on the wing during June and July.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Centaurea scabiosa

The larva lives on Centauria scabiosa. Also mentioned from Centaurea diffusa, Centaurea paniculata and Centaurea solstitialis, but these may refer to related species.

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It inhabits waste ground, roadside verges and grassy habitats on chalk or limestone soils.

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