Seq # 901700010

Mesogona acetosellae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) Species

Last modified: Dec. 11, 2024, 11:47 a.m.

This very rare species has not been seen in the southern part of Belgium for quite some time.


Family: Noctuidae > Subfamily: Xyleninae > Tribus: Xylenini > Genus: Mesogona > Species: Mesogona acetosellae
Vernacular names
Bruine hoeklijnuil (NL), Pale Stigma (EN), La Noctuelle de la Petite-Oseille (FR), Eichenwald-Winkeleule (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Lambillion L.-J. 1900–1913. Catalogue des Lépidoptères de Belgique. — Revue mensuelle de la Société entomologique namuroise Supplément: 1–464. On page 171.




Wingspan 36–46 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature

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Flight periods

An autumn species seen onwards from August and mostly in September and October.

Observed on

Host plant (genera):
Deciduous trees and Shrubs

The host plants are still poorly known so far. Supposedly oviposition occurs on Quercus and the young larvae and at least a portion of the older ones live on Quercus.

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It inhabits sunny, open oak woodlands, steppes, nutrient-poor grasslands and dry slopes with oaks and scrub as well as similar dry and warm places rich in groves and edges.

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