Last modified: Feb. 8, 2024, 6:10 p.m.
A common species throughout Belgium.
Wingspan 14–18 mm. A distinctive species with bright orange-ferruginous forewings and several greyish metallic markings towards the rear of the wing. There are black streaks in the ocellus, pale costal strigulae and plumbeous striae from the strigulae and edging the ocellus.
The larva makes a spinning in the terminal shoot of the food plant. Hibernation in a white cocoon between debris on the ground.
The adults are active at sunrise and in the evening and later come to light.
The adults have been observed from May till early October in two generations a year. Most observations during June and August.
The larva feeds on several species of Hypericum, especially on H. perforatum.
It inhabits open places, downland, open woods, grasslands, meadows, waysides etc...