Last modified: Dec. 10, 2023, 3:47 p.m.
A fairly common species in Belgium, especially in the northern part.
Wingspan 12–15 mm. A dark head and palps. It shows a pink/ochreous suffusion to the white ground colour of the forewing and a straight edged basal patch. It may show a few black scales in the ocellus and have a slightly darker suffusion mid termen and through the central area to the triangular but weakly marked pre-tornal spot.
The larva lives within young shoots and buds to begin with, and later within the stem of a leaf stalk. An erect conical tube of frass at the entrance hole indicates the feeding-place. Pupation in a cocoon in a crevice of bark or amongst leaf-litter.
The adults are active in late afternoon and later come to light.
The adults have been observed from May till late September.
It inhabits wooded areas, poplar plantations, nurseries, avenues, parks and gardens where poplars grow.