
Before and during the development of this database, we discussed the design and information to be added with several colleagues in the field, as well as with non-specialists who are nevertheless interested in the kind of data we provide. Also the Belgian Biodiversity Partners partners, with their larger experience of website development for biodiversity related information, assisted greatly in the development.

Databases like these, can only be improved upon if we receive feedback from the end-users. That way layout, possibilities, and information provided can be altered to the demand of the users and the website becomes more demand driven. Attached is a short comment reporting form that will allow you to give us a response. Please, share your comments and suggestions with us.

First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:
Email Address:
Professional Background:
Message (e.g. briefly decribe what kind of information you were searching for):
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