Seq # 250120030

Depressaria chaerophylli Zeller, 1839 Species

Last modified: June 14, 2024, 4:33 p.m.

A very rare and local species in Belgium.


Family: Depressariidae > Subfamily: Depressariinae > Genus: Depressaria > Species: Depressaria chaerophylli
Vernacular names
Kervelplatlijfje (NL)
First mention in Belgium
Fologne E. 1859b. Supplément au catalogue des lépidoptères de Belgique. — Annales de la Société entomologique belge 3: 133–142. On page 136 (as Depressaria chaerophyllinella. Zell.). view page




Museum specimens

Specimens in nature

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Yellowish green with a dark grey or dark brown dorsal line; head capsule yellowish with black spots; prothoracic plate green with a black mark laterally and some black spots; last abdominal segment yellowish green; pinacula inconspicuous, black.

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A loose spinning, pupa brown.

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The final instars feed on the flowers and the seeds of the foodplant; June–July.
The last instar spins a loose cocoon in the soil or among detritus; July.
The species hibernates in the adult stage. The moths hide in sheltered places and are rarely seen. The adults are active at night and occasionally come to light.

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Flight periods

One generation a year: from the end of July and after hibernation from March till early May.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Chaerophyllum temulum

Monophagous on Chaerophyllum temulum.

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Woodland margins, old hedgerows, old trackways and sunken lanes where the foodplant grows.

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