Seq # 255110010

Dasystoma salicella (Hübner, 1796) Species

Last modified: Dec. 2, 2024, 12:58 p.m.

A very rare and local species throughout Belgium. Nowadays most observations originate from the Kempen area.


Family: Lypusidae > Subfamily: Chimabachinae > Genus: Dasystoma > Species: Dasystoma salicella
Vernacular names
Wollige kortvleugelmot (NL)
First mention in Belgium
De Sélys-Longchamps E. 1844. Énumération des insectes Lépidoptères de la Belgique. — Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liége 2: 1–35. On page 23 (as Lemmatophila salicella H.). view page




Forewing ground colour brownish, mixed with dispersed white scales. A conspicuous dark brown to black vertical line at 2/3 of the forewing; female with very reduced wings and a large abdomen.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature

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Pale green; head capsule black, prothoracic plate greenish brown, darker posteriorly; last abdominal segment greenish, speckled with blackish dots.

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The egg is oviposited in a leaf axil, under bud scales, or behind the loose bark of many species of woody plants.
The caterpillar lives between two leaves spun together. Its development is very slow, similar to that of Diurnea fagella. It has been found from May till September.
The species hibernates in the pupal stage from September till April. Pupation amongst detritus.
The males fly in sunshine around noon on warm days and assemble to females. The females have very short wings and are unable to fly. They rest on branches and trunks of trees.

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Flight periods

One generation a year from March till early May, mainly observed in April.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Myrica gale, Prunus spinosa, Potentilla anserina and Filipendula ulmaria
Host plant (genera):
Salix and Populus

Polyphagous. The caterpillar has been recorded from various plants, like Acer, Alnus, Berberis vulgaris, Betula, Cornus mas, Crataegus, Filipendula ulmaria, Hippophae rhamnoides, Malus, Myrica gale, Potentilla anserina, Prunus, Pyrus, Quercus, Rhododendron, Thamnus catharticus, Rosa, Rubus fruticosus, Salix, Tilia, and Vaccinium myrtillus. It has a preference for Populus and Salix species.

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Deciduous and mixed forests with many open places, with a preference for riparian forests. Also in heathlands, gardens, abandoned orchards.

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