Seq # 115100160

Stigmella filipendulae (Wocke, 1871) Species

Last modified: Jan. 9, 2023, 3:24 p.m.

A very rare species in Belgium.


Family: Nepticulidae > Genus: Stigmella > Species: Stigmella filipendulae
Vernacular names
Spireamineermot (NL), Dropwort Pigmy (EN), Mädesüß-Zwergminierfalter (DE)
First mention in Belgium
Steeman C. & Sierens T. 2018. Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in België in 2017 (Lepidoptera). — Phegea 46(2): 31–47. On page 41. view page

Native In Belgium since August 2017.

The first empty mines were found in VB and identified with DNA-code.



Bright amber yellow.

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At first the mine is a slender gallery following the margin of a vein. The second part of the mine is much wider. The frass in the first part is allmost completely filling the gallery later on it's more in a central line.

See also


The egg is deposited at the top of the leaf, usually against the leaf edge or close to a heavy vain.

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Flight periods

Bivoltine, larvae in July and from late-August towards October.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Filipendula ulmaria and Filipendula vulgaris

The host plant is Filipendula vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria.

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