Seq # 321260010

Pselnophorus heterodactyla (Müller, 1764) Species

Last modified: Dec. 3, 2024, 3:52 p.m.

First recorded in Belgium in 2003 from a specimen reared from a caterpillar which was pupating on a pine tree trunk at Chantemelle (LX). Another specimen was found in the beginning of the 21st century in NA. An extreme rare and local species in our country.


Family: Pterophoridae > Subfamily: Pterophorinae > Genus: Pselnophorus > Species: Pselnophorus heterodactyla
Vernacular names
Bruine vedermot (NL), Hasenlattich-Federmotte (DE)
First mention in Belgium
De Prins W. 2003. Four new species for the Belgian fauna (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae, Coleophoridae, Pterophoridae). — Phegea 31(3): 87–90. On page 88–89. view page




Wingspan 18–22 mm.

Museum specimens

Specimens in nature


The caterpillar lives on the underside of a leaf. From August it stops feeding and conceales itself in a withered leaf in order to hibernate. It resumes feeding in springtime. Its presence is then revealed by the drooping tip of a leaf because the larva bites through the mid-riff of the leaf.
Pupation along the stem.

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Flight periods

One generation a year from June to mid-August.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Mycelis muralis, Prenanthes purpurea and Lapsana communis

The main foodplant is Mycelis puralis but the species lives also on other Asteraceae, like Prenanthes purpurea or Lapsana communis.

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Forest with a herbaceous ground cover.

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