Seq # 300010030

Scythris empetrella Karsholt & Nielsen, 1976 Species

Last modified: Dec. 3, 2024, 2:59 p.m.

Recorded only once from Belgium during an excursion to Kalmthout (AN) on 05.viii.1861, leg. E. Fologne, L. Mors & J. Weyers, where they found this species "very common on an arid sand dune without any vegetation, running more than flying".
Found back in 2020 in LI after years of absence.


Family: Scythrididae > Genus: Scythris > Species: Scythris empetrella
Vernacular names
Eenstipdikkopmot (NL), Krähenbeeren-Heidefalter (DE)
Scythris variella (Stephens, 1834), nec (Denis & Schiff., 1775)
First mention in Belgium
Fologne E., Mors L. & Weyers J. 1861. Rapport sur les excursions entomologiques faites dans la Campine anversoise. — Annales de la Société entomologique belge 5: 47–51. On page 48 (as variella). view page




Wingspan 9 mm.

Museum specimens

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Specimens in nature


The larva spins a long, tubular gallery of silk, mixed with sand, extending beneath the sand. Its development is very slow. It can be found in April–May.
Pupation in June in a long, curved cocoon just below the sand surface.
Adults do not fly often, when disturbed they prefer to run or jump. They can hardly be seen because they rest on the food plant and resemble very much a leaf of heather.

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Flight periods

One generation a year in June–July.

Observed on

Host plant (species):
Calluna vulgaris and Empetrum nigrum
Host plant (genera):

Oligophagous on Ericaceae.

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Heathland on xerothermic sandy soils.

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